Contact 2017-01-20T23:59:10+01:00


Your request!

Please fill out the following form for your inquiry. We will contact you as soon as possible.

    Please fill out all fields marked with *. (Required fields)

    Your Surname *
    Your First Name *
    Your Email *
    Mobil-Phone *
    CAP *
    City *
    Street/No. *
    desired Apartment*
    You want to get a booking confirmation by*
    Number of days, you want to book*
    Number of people*
    Day of arrival *
    Day of departure *

    Your message


    To make a reservation by phone, call Gabi.

    Corporate Location

    Mobil-PHONE GABI: +39 348 7452671


    If Gabi is not available, then call Ossi


    Oswald (Ossi): +39 339 5619928

    Send an email!

    Send us an email with your request and details.

    Always available

    Email Reservation
    Send  your Email!

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